Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Japan Prayer Update 2013

Current ministry project

OMF booklet


Ministry to Japanese Youth

Out of a population of 127 million, there are fewer than 500,000 evangelical Christians in Japan. Only a very small portion of that number is young adults. OMF International’s workers are mentoring young Christians around Tokyo to help them build friendships with non-Christians and lead them to Christ. Based in a youth center or youth café, workers encourage new and young Christians to walk together, discover God’s perspective on their lives and be equipped to live out their faith in a place where the church is seen as irrelevant.
God, you tell us that you will pour out your Spirit on all people (Acts 2:17). Please remember the youth of Japan and use OMF International’s youth center and café to reach and disciple young people for you.
Street Dancing

CRASH Japan 
OperationSAFE: Child Trauma Care
Over the last two years CRASH Japan has trained over a hundred child trauma volunteers and provided OperationSAFE camps and events for over 500 children in Tohoku.  In 2013 we have already held special Easter events in Ibaraki and Miyagi and will be conducting OperationSAFE camps for children during the summer as well.  OperationSAFE will also be working with partners in Sichuan, China to hold camps for children affected by the massive quake there in April. 

Tohoku Recovery
Thursday, 02 May 2013 13:59
Over the last two years CRASH Japan has mobilized volunteers to work over a combined total of 40,000 days bringing millions of dollars worth of aid and support to dozens of communities in Tohoku.  From the early days of damage assessment and setting up volunteer bases, to the massive distribution of aid and supplies CRASH volunteers worked together with local churches to bring help and hope to stricken communities.
CRASH has handed over its volunteer bases to local church networks in Iwate and Fukushima and members of our field staff have continued to work as part of these local efforts.  Volunteers from both within Japan and abroad continue to come and work directly with the local networks to sustain the work indefinately.  Programs begun with support from CRASH are continuing in sustainable ways helping to provide tsunami survivors with dignity.
CRASH is supporting ongoing work in Tohoku through partnerships with local church networks, local programs and our CRASH field office in Sendai, Miyagi. 

Great East Japan Disaster Emergency Relief
Thursday, 02 May 2013 13:33
In 2005, God placed a burden on my heart to prepare the church in Japan to serve their communities in times of disaster.  At that time, I did not know what to do, only that something needed to be done so that the church could fulfill its God-given role of being a source of compassion and hope in difficult times.  Looking back, it now seems obvious that God was indeed preparing us for the work of the last two years bringing help and hope to Tohoku. 
We learned about emotional and spiritual care, child trauma work, and volunteer management through responding alongside other organizations to disasters both here in Japan and abroad and built up trusted networks of Christians with a passion to bring God's love to their cities.  All of this was put to use, stretched and further developed as the church in Japan responded to the tsunami of 2011.  Christians in Tohoku have become partners with their communities, sharing their pain and difficulties and earning the right to share the hope they have within them.  Volunteers from all over Japan have seen this with their own eyes and are taking a vision home with them to reach their own communities the same way.  We want to celebrate everything that the Lord has done, but the of equipping the church to bring help and hope to the world is only beginning.  Thank you for praying, giving and volunteering with CRASH Japan.
In 2013 CRASH Japan will continue to work helping local churches by mobilizing the body of Christ to bring help and hope to those in need.  We are going to do that in three ways. 
CRASH Japan Executive Director
Jonathan Wilson

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